Archive | February, 2011

The Day After a Holiday Weekend

22 Feb

The after affects of a three-day weekend for Tashi


Wow, it’s so hard to go back to work after a three-day weekend.  I’m trying to hold a staff meeting with my collection of toys, but I’m so tired, I just can’t get motivated to start the meeting.  Any suggestions?

Me and My Peeps

2 Feb

Sorry for not keeping you all posted on the most recent of my activities of late.  I know you’ve been waiting with baited breath for an update (yeah, right)!  My main activity over the last week or two has been hanging out with Mr. Moo Cow, who now looks more like Mr. Dead Cow.  I also added a new squirrel/ferret thing to my collection.  He has a really cool long tail that I like to chomp on and then throw in the air.  Yes, my life is very interesting…..


Tashi, Mr. Moo Cow and the Squirrel/Ferret Thing