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Auntie Marie and Honey

8 Aug

If you didn’t know by now, every few months, my Mom and Dad drop me off at summer camp for a week of bliss. That’s right, when they go off to play golf, I get to go to Auntie Marie’s and Honey’s house!  While Mom calls it “Camp”, I like to refer to Auntie Marie’s house as my home-away-from-home.

Here I am with Auntie Marie in her lovely backyard:

Tashi and Auntie Marie

While I love hanging out with Auntie Marie, I must confess that Honey is my favorite girlfriend ever.  She’s cute, sweet, and loves to be with me, but doesn’t everyone?

My Girlfriend, Honey

Summer Camp

23 Jun

Tashi back from summer camp

Yesterday afternoon, I got back from summer camp at Auntie Marie’s.  I know I look a bit “rustic”, but that’s what summer camp is all about, right?   I had a blast playing with Honey, my long time girlfriend, as well as with Blue, and Maggie too.  Some of the fun things we did included a long hike in the foothills, playing in water, and lots of romping.

Mom says it’s time to get a bath, but I don’t know why.  I’m a boy having fun in the summer, Mom!

What I’m Not Doing Today

4 Dec


This is what I should be doing today…..going in the car to see Grandma Virginia, who turns 96 today!  Instead, I have to stay home…..again.  Bummer!

Tashi, the Tibetan Terrier

My American Idol Demo Tape

30 Nov

As January is only a few weeks away, that means only one thing….American Idol starts soon.  Now there’s been much discussion in our family about the season’s upcoming changes.

So I figured why not mix it up a little and send in my own audition tape?  So, here is it for your viewing pleasure.  Idol, here I come!

Aunts and Cousins

18 Nov

Yesterday was busy for me. First off, I got to visit Diamond in the Ruff to get a much needed bath.  For some reason, Mom didn’t schedule my visit with them for some time. I was really stinky!

In the afternoon,  Auntie Lauren and Cousin Lola came for a visit.  I know Lola is my cousin, but she’s really cute, if you know what I mean!  She definitely has the moves, especially when we’re playing in the back yard, but I still have some moves she hasn’t seen!



Auntie Lauren, me and Cousin Lola



Navy Watch

2 Nov

Didn’t know if you were aware, but at one point in time, I thought of becoming a Navy SEAL.  Unfortunately, they said my hair was too long or something like that….blah, blah, blah.  Instead, my Uncle Justin, decided to join the Navy and serve our wonderful country.

Today, Justin drove all the way from San Diego just to see me!  We’re buddies, what can I say?  So, here’s a picture of me and Uncle Justin hangin’ today. He’s really cool.


Justin and Tashi

Hangin with Uncle Justin





Adventures to Target

26 Oct

Riding in the car is one of my favorite things to do.  I take it pretty seriously.  The best position, I’ve found is to lean into the passenger site and then get really close to the window so I can smell the fresh air.  Sometimes Mom forgets to put the window down, which is a major bummer, but she says something about it raining and getting the car wet.  What?  It’s a car, for heaven sake!

Tashi's adventure to Target